#BLUD Cheat Engine

+31 options for #BLUD trainer cheat engine.

#BLUD, developed by Exit 73 Studios, published by Humble Games.
Trainer Versions: v2.145169717511605
Game Reviews: Save your friends, fight off the vampire apocalypse, and survive the horrors of freshman field hockey practice in #BLUD, a delightfully zany animated dungeon crawler that blurs the line between action RPGs and hyperkinetic 90s cartoons.

How to use #BLUD Trainer?

• Start the Game you want to Cheat on.
• After the Game has been loaded make sure to Enter Into the Game World. (Continue From Last save)
• Open up the Trainer you have downloaded (Extract It somewhere).
• Press F1 – This will Activate the Trainer and will Allow you to use the Cheats. (If a specific Trainer does not have that feature [F1] just move along into the next step)
• Use the F Keys (F1-F12) to Activate the wanted Cheats. (In Modern Trainers you can Edit the Keys to other Keys, Check Q&A to see how)
• Done!

#BLUD Cheat Table Options

The cheat table offers 9+ options and is compatible with all game versions. We will upload the trainer to our website as soon as it’s updated. You can access the settings by pressing the F6 key.

Update Log:

Fixed bugs and mirror issues.

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